Ruby Language: Basics Guide For Beginners

Ruby Language: Basics Guide For Beginners

Ruby is an open-source object-oriented programming language created by Yukihiro Matsumoto.

The first linguistic version (0.95) was published in 1995, and version 1.9.3 was published in 2011.
Ruby is gaining popularity, and a framework called Ruby on Rails has helped to boost its use for web programming.

The Ruby language is totally object-oriented in that everything is an object.

For example, even the most basic types of information like integers have techniques and variables of example.

This gives a higher capacity to use method chaining, where many lines of code can be consolidated into one.

Ruby is also recognized as a flexible language because, if required, it enables programmers to make changes to different components of the language.

You can find more data on Ruby programming using the resources below.

History of Ruby

Ruby was developed in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro Matsumoto, and "Matz," in Japan. It was intended for the productivity of programmers with the concept that programming should be enjoyable for programmers.

It emphasizes the need for software to be grasped first by humans and second by machines.
Ruby continues to gain popularity in the development of web applications for its use. The Ruby on Rails system, constructed by David Heinemeier Hansson with the Ruby language, introduced many individuals to the joys of programming in Ruby.
Ruby has a vibrant community that supports beginners and is passionate about generating high-quality code.
programming language ruby on rails

Features of Ruby

Ruby has many key features that described below:

1. Object-Oriented

Every value in Ruby is an object, even the most primitive stuff, like chains, numbers and even true and false. So, Ruby is a pure object-oriented language.

2. Dynamic

The Ruby programming language is very dynamic. Like C or Java programs, ruby programs are not compiled. When a program is executed, all things are constructed by the code. Also during operation, a program can change its definitions.

3. Flexibility

Methods can be added to current classes without subclassification, operators can be overloaded, and even standard library behavior can be defined at runtime.

4. Singleton Classes

Every Ruby item has two classes: a periodic class and a singleton class.
The singleton class of an object is a nameless class whose only instances are that object. Singleton classes are created automatically, making Ruby simple and elegant.

5. Metaprogramming

In Ruby, everything is objects. You can use them to know about or even alter them while your program is running. Metaprogramming is called this technique.

6. Variables and scopes

The programmer does not need to declare variables or variable range in ruby. The variable name automatically determines its scope.

Examples of ruby variables

  • var is a local variable.
  • $var is a global variable.
  • @var is an instance variable.
  • @@var is a class variable.

Advanced Features of Ruby

  • Exceptions for error handling. 
  • Collector of garbage.
  • OS-autonomous threading enabling you to write multi-threaded apps even on operating systems such as DOS
  • You can write extensions in C for Ruby.
  • Ruby is a scripting language on the server-side. 
  • Ruby can be integrated into HTML.
  • Ruby has a comparable syntax to many programming languages such as C and Java.
  • Ruby mainly supports all platforms such as Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Ruby can readily be linked to Oracle, MySQL, DB2.

Hello World in Ruby

# Hello World Program in Ruby
puts "Hello World!";


 Hello World!

Run Ruby Online

Run Ruby on PC

First download ruby from Then download and install this software to create and edit Ruby programming.

Recommended Books for Ruby

Recommended Books for Ruby
I think this book should help you to learn about the Ruby programming language. If you want to learn deeply about Ruby programming, you can buy these books from here.

Uses of Ruby Programming Language

Ruby is the most popular use in web applications. His main appeals are that programmers don't have to spend a lot of time setting up their files.

Share your thoughts about the Ruby programming language in the comment box.

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